Have You Heard of Captain Aaron Fisher?

Excerpt from Lt. John Fox: An All-American Hero
Dominic Lawson (11:36):
And, boy, was it worth it because John Fox was about to get quite the mentor at Wilberforce. Let's go back to Mr. Westmoreland for a second because around the same time he learned about John Fox in a conversation with his aunts, he also learned about someone else.
Carl Westmoreland (11:52):
Then in the process, "Well, he's not the only one. You know so and so ... " Then they talked about the
head of the ROTC program at Wilberforce who-
Dominic Lawson (12:06): This is Aaron Fisher, correct?
Carl Westmoreland (12:07): Yes.
Dominic Lawson (12:08):
Captain Aaron Fisher, head of the ROTC department at Wilberforce and a highly decorated Army veteran. Captain Fisher, or Cap as he was called by many of his students, was no stranger to going beyond the call of duty when the situation was dire.
Dominic Lawson (12:23):
You know what? Let me back up a bit so you can know exactly the kind of badassery Captain Aaron Fisher was on. It's September 3, 1918, in Lisieux, France where at the time, Lieutenant Fisher and his men are manning a trench when it was invaded by Germans.
Dominic Lawson (12:40):
Lieutenant Fisher and his men are greatly outnumbered. However, Lieutenant Fisher commands his men to stand their ground and maintain control of the trench. He refused to abandon his position and in the process was severely wounded. However, he was able to hold his position until reinforcements arrived to finish off the last of the German soldiers.
Dominic Lawson (13:04):
On his return home, he received the Distinguished Service Cross for his bravery in addition to the Purple Heart for being wounded. The French government even awarded him the Croix de Guerre with a gold star for his courage and fortitude. So for Lieutenant Fox, he was not only going to learn from an American hero but an American hero that looked like him.